The Mila Chair is an effortlessly snazzy design, incorporating as it does a sequence of interloping rings to provide the back support on the chair. Commercial buyers as well as private may well be interested in purchasing this chair given its ability to be stacked.
This set in particular boasts ten Mila chairs, paired as they are with the Vegas XL Table, a table that can be extended from an initial length of 260cm to 3 metres, in order to accommodate larger groups of seated guests. The Vegas Table boasts a very unpretentious minimalist finish, making it perfect for use in a wide array of settings. Stability is also guaranteed by virtue of the thick tapered legs that support it.
Both the chair and the table are made using Siesta’s single-injection glass-reinforced method of furniture production. The set is guaranteed to be free of problems such as warping, cracking, fading and peeling, given its UV and Weather-resistant properties.
Maintenance of the set is easy too, requiring only a mere wipe down on occasion with wet cloth. Overall, a set suitable for wide terraces, verandas and properties with ample room, whose owners wish to entertain large groups without being overtly ostentatious. A set that allows for ample room whilst retain decorum and style.
This set comes in a versatile sky grey, a palette that can be matched to and can help offset numerous backdrops, especially those that utilise bright reds and brilliant whites.