Charcoal BBQs


37 Items

Go back to basics with our Charcoal Grills and Barbecues. Cooking as it should be.


Lightly charred meat and vegetables cooked over an open charcoal flame with all of the smoke, crackle and sizzle you could want. Perfect for those long summer evenings.


Charcoal grilling, in conjunction with wood pellets, really give outdoor barbecued food a distinctive flavour. Charcoal is a super intensive heat source, and the accompanying wood pellets really enhance the taste of the food being grilled, depending on whether one uses apple, hickory, maple or mesquite.


Outdoor Living Ireland has quite the inventory of charcoal-powered outdoor grills that should be the envy of others. From small outdoor barbecues that are delightful for small, intimate gatherings, to full-on stylish masonry brick Mediterranean style grills. Our smaller grills are perfect as fire pit type sit-arounds for you and your close knit number of guests, whilst it is the Buschbeck brand that delivers on luxurious and stylish masonry-set outdoor patio and garden barbecuing.


Outdoor Living Ireland’s charcoal grilling brochure also has the unique hybrid grilling option from Grillstream, which uses gas to light its charcoal component, giving the use the convenience of the former with the flavour of the latter.


Our collection of outdoor charcoal barbecues also includes the Kamado style grill, a uniquely versatile grilling method that allows not only for regular grilling and smoking but oven-style too, allowing the chef to bake meat-loaf and even pizzas.


Call us today for advice on what charcoal grill will meet your needs.